MPI, now on the web.
The vision
Our mission is to revolutionize impractical distributed computing by providing a browser-based MPI implementation that empowers researchers and developers to seamlessly explore parallel programming concepts and deploy distributed applications across diverse platforms.
For developers
- Make a nice documentation website
- Implement the following APIs
- Basics
- MPI_Init
- MPI_Finalize
- MPI_Abort
- MPI_Comm_size
- MPI_Comm_rank
- P2P
- MPI_Send
- MPI_Isend
- MPI_Recv
- MPI_Irecv
- Barriers & Broadcasts
- MPI_Barrier
- MPI_Bcast
- MPI_Ibcast
- Gathers
- MPI_Gather
- MPI_Gatherv
- MPI_Allgather
- MPI_Allgatherv
- Scatters
- MPI_Scatter
- MPI_Scatterv
- Reduces
- MPI_Reduce
- MPI_Allreduce
- Write the tool that transplants user JS code into runnable MPI.js code
- Compare different communication methods (channels/WebSockets) between local threads
- Use WebSockets to connect MPI nodes across multiple computers
- Optimize for memory usage by using clever message-routing techniques
- Run benchmarks on all variations of our API
- Make a live dashboard that shows how many msgs/sec are happening in real-time
About us
We are the-parallel-gods
Support & warranty